Galactic Federation of Light_Monday, August 3, 2009 Monday, Aug 3 2009 

Monday, August 3, 2009

“L”: Greetings, this is Michkael, of the Galactic Federation of Light
“J”: Greetings Michkael
“L”: Are all in attendance well this of your days?
“J”: Ah, I speak for Self, in this, for now, Mate and I are much better in this now. I leave the others to speak with you as well…
“L”: This is much more well.
“H”: I’m well just a bit tired ty for asking
“L”: It is agreed that ALL should speak for self.
“L”: Greetings to the one known as “H”. It has been some timing since you and I have spoken.
“H”: indeed how are you doing?
“A”: :))
“A”: my love to you and greetings
“L”: Greetings to the one known as “A” on this of your days as well.
“A”: thank you
“L”: WE are well “H”, thank you for your inquiry. WE have lost no more brethren since WE last spoke with the Mate of this channel, this is a Wondrous thing.
“L”: I have asked “L”, as you know her, to “speak for” myself this morning in the method called channeling. Is this acceptable, as I have a message for the ALL?
“J”: This is Allowable for Self.
“A”: yes it is
“J”: Thank you for your timing to speak with US.
“H”: Allowed
“L”: You have heard many times this pair speak of this concept of Relationship Harmony. It is on this and another matter which myself, and my Mate, Ariguli, wish to speak. Is this is allowable?
“J”: Allowable
“A”: allowable
“H”: Allowable
“M”: 🙂
“L”: Greetings to the one known as “M”!
“M”: Hello 🙂
“L”: Welcome back to the LIGHT my friend! WE have missed you VERY much.
“M”: ^^ thank you 🙂
“L”: As we have the ALL of you
“L”: “A”, the healers sorely miss you in attendance, we look forward to the day you may rejoin us
“L”: “H” in a very short timing you will be visited by Ashtar himself
“J”: Michkael, I wish to Honor you with Many Thanks, for Rescuing one of OUR own back to US, as you had promised, if possible.
“L”: I will allow it (laughter)
“J”: Thank You.
“A”: I am here as much as I am capable
“L”: Now, please quit thanking me, (laughter) for it was done in Unconditional Love
“J”: Nod
“L”: You my dear, “A”, are here in spirit even when you do not admit it. This is truth, my dear, and MUCH appreciated, as it makes myself MUCH proud of my granddaughter of several generations (great-granddaughter)
“L”: “H”, it is no coincidence that you are a pilot in this incarnation
“A”: the healers? Miss me? I’m confused
“L”: Yes, my dear, for you ARE one of our own
“M”: ^^
“J”: ^^, lol
“H”: I’m not a Pilot 🙂
“L”: Yes, “H”, you are, in your heart-source. If placed behind the controls of your flight craft, would you not feel as if your world were more complete?
“H”: Wouldn’t know 😛
“L”: It is at this timing, that I shall begin OUR message.
“J”: Understood.
“L”: There will be a short window of timing that will be coming upon your beings, beginning with that which you know as the Lunar Eclipse. In this timing, there will be much chaos in many places as the old is removed to make way for the new, and at that timing you will ALL be able to find us flooding your skies once again. Please be aware, WE come in peace and LOVE. WE wish only to assist ALL on your planet, not only with the healing of Gaia, and personal Ascension, but with healing in many ways that your governments have attempted to dis-allow for the beings that inhabit this planet, known as Gaia.
“L”: There will soon come a timing where there will be separations, a culling of a kind, on your planet. This will NOT be facilitated by OUR Selves. However, WE intend to use this intention by the “global government” as it to which it is often referred, to the best possible benefit of ALL.
“L”: There have been recent developments behind the doors of that which you call the United Nations. In this, a new intent has been put in place, to separate and place into “camps” those that are considered a “threat”.
“L”: WE will inform you of what all that entails as WE are able, to the global ALL. In this, we INTEND to STOP IT, by bringing about a greater Global Awareness.
“J”: In the USA, is this the Rex84 FEMA operation?
“L”: My dear friend, “J”, it is much worse. Their INTENT is for things MUCH darker.
“J”: I understand, the global reduction plan.
“L”: WE do not come to spread fear, but Awareness.
“J”: Understood.
“L”: For it will be in the GLOBAL AWARENESS that this project will be Dis-allowed due to exposure of their dark plans.
“L”: Do any or ALL have questions about this at this timing? I will answer that which I am able if you but ask.
“H”: Well, what is it that we can do about this matter?
“L”: First, you can bring this matter to the Awareness of the Many in attempts to reach the ALL. You have the abilities between all in your “Family” to spread this Awareness through many mediums. MANY are ready to listen, so WE ask for you to seek what you know as guidance to assist in these attempts.
“L”: Further questions?
“L”: Yes, “J”, this channel is to be posted, in the selection for the ALL. Please allow for the personal informations of your friends to remain their own.
“H”: Well, is it possible to get a more “advanced” or “elaborated” message about the matter?
“L”: Yes, “H”, it will be as it becomes available. WE wish to dis-allow this event, in this WE will be giving these informations to MANY.
“H”: Ok, thank you. No further questions on my behalf.
“J”: Yes, and to the ones who know to be of a great concern, to those who are dark, is there any advice, for these be-ings?
“L”: Yes, “J”. The answer is: Seek the LIGHT now.
“L”: Thank you “H” for speaking your Truth, as this one known as “L” says. It is wise, and brave of you to seek this knowledge freely
“J”: And for those who are of the Light, further advice you wish to give at this timing?
“L”: Please continue in the LIGHT, “J”, and continue to assist your brethren, and the ALL to REMAIN in the LIGHT, with compassion and understanding for the ALL
“J”: Understood.
“M”: I don’t know what to ask…
“A”: camps? Those who are a threat?
“A”: any more information?
“L”: Yes, “A” they are a threat, for these “camps” are not just detention camps. WE will provide more detailed information to the ALL as we are able, this is PROMISED.
“A”: ok, thank you
“L”: WE do not make promises without GREAT INTENT to keep them.
“J”: This is Truth
“A”: And the ‘threat’ are those in the light, yes?
“L”: Yes, my dear, they are, for those that are in control at this timing, do not wish ANY of the LIGHT to remain
“A”: I understand
“L”: These “camps” are not just slaughter houses, they are TESTING GROUNDS
“H”: Testing on what?
“J”: Testing Grounds of what kind please, if this is Allowable.
“L”: Global Mass Annihilation
“M”: How this global mass annihilation can be stopped?
“L”: This TESTING will be in two phases, although WE expect it to expand
“L”: Some will be used to assimilate the full essences of these dark beings, and the testing therewith to determine how and what changes to the physical vessels must be made for those of these beings to take control of the vessel with minimal damage, and with the INTENT for the FULL REMOVAL of the being within. This is one of the TESTING phases of which we speak. In this, there is INTENDED to be the testing also of MANY of what you know as biological warfare components.
“L”: The second INTENT is to cull those they believe to be of the greatest abilities, in the attempt to “convince” them to work with and for these forces, through threat and coercion
“H”: So, Removal of the Light?
“J”: Please allow for the question to be answered before the next.
“H”: Sorry
“L”: Yes, “H”, in its fashion, this is the INTENT
“J”: A dark Walk-In, Michkael?
“L”: Yes, “J”, very much so
“L”: It is at this timing that those you know as the Annunaki, Zeta Reticuli, J-rods, and many other races of which you are not fully aware at this timing, wish to finish with the complete Annihilation of your planet Gaia, while absorbing all of her Energies, and the Energies of all her beings, at the same timing. They INTEND to make of your planetary body that which has been done to many others. Their intent is to have the full removal of ALL life-source Energies within and without her surface.
“J”: Soul Death, then?
“L”: Yes, in this it is their INTENT; even if they were to succeed in their plans, the actual SOULS would be rescued. This is a PROMISE from all that is LIGHT.
“J”: This is unfortunate, as their “plans” have been moved forward.
“L”: In essence, yes they have, but OURS have moved much more in advance than their own, “J”. For the fact that those that were / are vital to OUR missions on your planet are essentially ahead of schedule in their OWN awakening, it has ALLOWED for us to move up our own INTENT, as has been given in channelings to the ALL even recently.
“J”: Understood.
“J”: Any advice for any Be-ing, for which these Be-ings, might come for?
“L”: Yes, dis-allow any attempts at such coercion or threat, or the attempt to implant any devices of any kind. These implants are not that which they appear. You have heard MUCH about the necessary implant removals. Dis-allow the re-integration or integration of these implants if at all possible. If it is not, remove them as soon as possible, even if one must do it oneself.
“J”: Will the Galactic Federation Of Light be assisting in removal of any/all Implants?
“L”: Of course, “J”, this is well known.
“J”: I only ask for the ALL
“L”: For the ALL, it is TRUTH, that WE shall be assisting in this in ALL ways allowable and possible, while keeping within all LAWS to which WE must adhere.
“L”: At this timing, WE ask for final questionings in these matters.
“J”: So this is truth then, that WE, and the ALL THAT IS, are entered upon the next stage of “The Game”?
“L”: It is TRUTH for ALL that the ALL has been forced to move up SEVERAL “stages of the game”. However, this only shows, “J”, my friend, that the LIGHT is advancing in its raising of vibrations much faster than was expected or planned for – WELL IN ADVANCE OF EXPECTATIONS. THIS IS OF THE HIGHEST.
“L”: Any final questionings from the rest in attendance?
“M”: My personal question: What is my higher self?
“L”: “M”, you already know the answer, as it has been provided; Your being, your soul essence is of the tree of life of Ashtar Sheran of Ashtar Command
“L”: (“L” may have spelled the last name wrong)
“J”: “Ju”, would you have any questions?
“Ju”: Hello everyone. I just woke up, so I ask for a little time to think.
“L”: It is allowable “Ju”
“Ju”: Thank you.
“J”: I thank you for this allowability for “Ju”…
“L”: It was freely given in Unconditional Love, “J”. There is none necessary for the gratitude, it is OUR pleasure. For WE are compassionate beings of LIGHT
“Ju”: I thank you “L” for pointing that out…Jeremiah…I LOVE YOU!!!…But not as much as “L” does.
“L”: This is Michkael, of The Galactic Federation of Light, although the one known as “L” does send her LOVE AND LIGHT as well.
“L”: I should not be confused with that one known as Archangel Michael. For, although I know his be-ing well, but WE are separate be-ings of LIGHT
“H”: oh I dropped out for some reason
“L”: In this, “H”, the channeling will be posted for the ALL, and you will have the timing and ability to “catch up”. All is Well.
“L”: Are there any final questionings in the matters previously discussed, at this timing?
“J”: Is it allowable, for this channel to be revised of ALL errors in grammar and punctuation, along with identifying information removed, all in here?
“L”: It is not only allowable, “J”, but preferable. It is appreciated.
“M”: Allowable
“J”: All in attendance, is this allowable?
“A”: yes
“H”: ofc
“L”: All personal identifying information my be replaced with the first letter in the naming which they have used while in Attendance
“J”: The one known as “K_”, will allow.
“L”: This is ALLOWABLE
“J”: Understood.
“L”: Then it shall be, as it should be, as your Mate has begun to say. Very comfortable phrasing, and wording.
“Ju”: I have my question if it’s still allowable for me to ask one…
“L”: Please do.
“L”: Please ask.
“Ju”: What’s my higher Self…My purpose???
“L”: “Ju” this will be shown to you in great detail in the timing known as this week. It is OUR intent to improve your AWARENESS during this timing known as a day, greatly. You will find much truth being placed at your disposal in this timing.
“Ju”: Very cool.
“J”: If I might note here, “Ju”, YOU HAVE EARNED IT!!!!
“Ju”: How do you figure Jeremiah?
“J”: Honor, integrity, Truth, Dignity, Value, UNCONDITIONAL LOVE
“L”: This information is also accurate for the one speaking under the name “A”.
“A”: huh?
“L”: You shall be shown and given great Truths, my dear
“A”: We shall?
“Ju”: WOOHOO!!!!
“A”: at last
“L”: It is timing, “J”, to ALLOW me to speak on that which I / WE came to speak.
“A”: thhhhaannnkk yyooouuu
“J”: Understood.
“L”: WE shall speak next on the matter known as Relationship Harmony.
“H”: oooooh
“L”: It is advisable that ALL in attendance seek out more water, as your physical beings are and will be in need of it.
“J”: Please state when you have returned please.
“Ju”: I have returned.
“M”: I returned
“A”: here 🙂
“H”: here
“L”: We shall continue then.
“L”: “J”, have you returned as well?
“J”: Yes.
“L”: This is well. Then we shall commence with the message.
“L”: At this timing, the concept of Relationship Harmony is of the utmost and vital importance to those on your planet Gaia. It is not only the Harmony that exists between beings, but also, and MUCH, that which exists between Pair Mates, as well as Family members. This does not mean your “earthly” families, but that for which your Souls exist. However, learning to co-exist in a peaceful yet respectful manner with those you know as Family, is also very important, if it is possible. In these timings, on your planetary body, it is becoming more and more difficult to accomplish the last, as we are well aware. It is in the aspect of Relationship Harmony for Pair Mates, also known as Twin Flames, and Soul Families that WE will speak at this timing.
“L”: Is this allowable?
“M”: allowable
“H”: yes
“J”: Allowable
“A”: yes
“Ju”: allowable
“L”: When members of what you know and identify as a Soul Family come together, in any way, there are dynamics already in place that may not yet be understood either by the many, the individual(s), or the ALL within that Family, for these “dynamics” have existed since the creation of that Soul Family. It is in learning how to co-exist in this NOW, while still releasing that which has gone before, that all will come to a greater peace and Harmony within not only self, but within the Family “structure” as well. ALL within the Family “structure” must understand that they have each their own unique functions, and abilities, that makes the survival odds of your Family much greater, as well as brings a greater healing to the ALL within it. Each of you have something to learn and something to teach within the body known as Soul Family, in relation to each of the other individual members. You will all be shown what it is you need to re-learn, and to re-teach from and to each of the other members, as the correct and appropriate timings arise.
“L”: This applies to ALL “Soul Family” units.
“L”: Do any or all have questions at this timing on this topic of discussion?
“J”: I do.
“L”: Please speak your Truth, “J”. I do indeed appreciate that phrase your Mate, and now many, uses. It is most fitting.
“J”: Is there any information you wish to introduce, to this Soul Family, specifically, about the Uniqueness of it. US that is.
“L”: WE will introduce that information when it is timing, “J”. In this now, WE shall speak in the general for the ALL.
“J”: Understood.
“L”: Do any of the beings in attendance here in this NOW, have other questions at this timing?
“H”: Ok, could you pleas explain why it is so important that WE come together as a family and the twin flame part?
“L”: It is the same question, “H”, as “J” has just placed, but in a much more open way. However, I will at this timing, tell you this … Your particular Soul Family has much part(s) to play in the coming events. WE will elaborate at appropriate timings.
“M”: ^^
“Ju”: I will return, I must go pick up my glasses.
“Ju”: If anything is missed, I will as my Soul Family to catch me up, but I believe I get where this is going and why NOW is the timing.
“A”: When you are ready………..can I ask…? How do we know (everyone) when a twin flame has been met??
“L”: There is a particular connection, a sensation, that is undeniable.
“A”: ok. Thank you
“L”: In this, you will know your Twin Flame by the intense inability to function without the immediate physical presence of that being within your immediate sphere of influence. You will begin to have “issues” with being at ANY given distance for ANY extended length of time, especially initially. This is after the connection is initially made. However, the initial identification may be discovered through the sensation that the one known as “J” describes as “The BAM”
“J”: I have another, In this, What are some ways a Twin Flame Pair Mate, may do, to increase the harmony and connection between them?
“L”: One question at a timing, “J”. You already know this.
“J”: I was of the understanding, the question, was answered in full, I apologize.
“L”: With the initial re-uniting of the Pair Mates, or the Twin Flames, one must use their discernment, as the Dark has also attempted to prepare you a “Twin Flame” as well. In this, they will attempt to “bring you over” to their “side”. This “Dark Flame” can be deadly in some instances, as the darkness within will be determined to “devour” the LIGHT within, and Destroy, as darkness does. This “Dark Flame” IS NOT your true Twin Flame.
“A”: How does one know if it is true twin or dark?
“L”: The LOVE of your True Twin Flame will be undeniable, as they will be DRIVEN to aid you and protect you in ANY way. They will go to ANY lengths to bring you closer to the LIGHT, and to PROTECT you, even if it requires asking for greater assistance. There will be an undeniable attraction with both Flames; however the one that exists within the Pair Mate connection works less on the physical and much more on the spiritual levels. Although the need for Physical Intimate Connection will exist within both, the need within the Pair Mate exceeds all else, as it is a true desire for the blending of souls, not just the physical bodies.
“L”: Also, the immense need and desire to protect one’s Mate, is also so great, once that connection is made, that they will seek any LIGHT they can to “rescue” their Mate out of harm’s way.
“L”: It is possible for one’s True Flame, to not be fully awakened, in this it will be the responsibility of the Awakened, or “more awakened” to see to it that the other is brought into their truth
“L”: If you feel that the one you have connected with is not of the LIGHT, we suggest you dis-connect and seek your TRUTH in the LIGHT; however it is also advisable to ALLOW your own guidance, within the LIGHT, to guide you in the right direction.
“A”: Ok. Thank you again
“L”: Do you have further inquiry ““A””?
“A”: I don’t think so. I know and understand what you say… still confused though … but thank you.
“M”: Can I ask?
“L”: You may.
“L”: It is allowable.
“M”: Please explain us more about Suffering and how concept known as Karma works? And how people choose their path before coming to this world.
“L”: WE will be delighted to arrange another Discussion timing to complete the necessary answer to this inquiry, as it will take much more timing.
“L”: Is this allowable?
“M”: Allowable 🙂
“L”: Then it will be so.
“M”: I have other question
“L”: Please inquire.
“M”: Does The Galactic Federation Of Light members have Physical bodies, and if will we meet them some day?
“L”: WE have essences that are embodied in what one would know as physical essences or physical incarnations that reside in higher vibrational frequencies, yes. Many have seen our beings, and some have “caught them on video” in the past. WE have physical ships and bodies, to be more specific, yes, however WE exist on a much higher frequency, and it takes much for us to allow for the physical to exist in the third through fifth dimensions.
“L”: Are there any further questions at this timing, on the topic of Soul Family Relationship Harmony?
“M”: Not from me 🙂
“A”: One more if I may?
“L”: It is Allowable and desirable, ‘“A””.
“A”: Is there any advice you could give on how to truly connect with the family, especially as at the moment I (and have been told others also) feel sometimes dis-connected?
“L”: This dis-connection exists as a result of past incarnations, and the heart-source issues that need to be resolved due to those incarnations. However, the answer is Yes, there is. I shall elaborate.
“A”: Thank You
“L”: First, WE would advise each of you to learn to TRUST that you will be aided and guided by the ALL of the rest of the Family, as has been shown through many recent incidents. Your Soul Family has its own desire to Protect, and each of you have had the opportunity to either participate or witness this intense desire within Family for such as that. It is at this timing, that WE ask each of you to reflect on this, and recognize that at some timing or another, each of your Family members has “stepped up” on your behalf in timings of great need, and to realize that in future timings, they will continue to do so, even to the expense of their own Selves, as has been done recently.
“A”: Definitely
“L”: It is the LOVE and true desire to PROTECT, that dis-allows the Family to back down, even if and when they KNOW they have done more than they thought possible, and have drained themselves into physical danger. It is in this, however, that the TRUST of one another, plays the biggest part, as the ALL, including “J”, need to learn when it is timing to “turn over the helm” to another in the Soul Family, so one may rest and recuperate, before re-joining the “fight”. For, this POWER OF INTENT, and UNCONDITIONAL LOVE goes beyond time, space, and to the ALL THAT IS. In this, WE ask that you all begin to realize you can lean on each other, and trust another to pick up where you have left off, so to speak, in timings of need, in order to take care of one’s physical vessel, so that you may function at one’s highest effective spiritual levels.
“A”: this is truly wonderful, thank you
“A”: and resonates so brightly
“L”: WE are delighted that you have such emotion, ““A””. This brings great joy into our Heart-Sources. (he smiles)
“L”: The bringing of the ALL in the Family together should be a high priority for the ALL within it, as this coming together will bring, and ALLOW for, much greater healing and protection, as well as greater spiritual growth, than when one believes they are ALONE.
“A”: yes, and my gratitude
“M”: I have question.
“L”: You may inquire, “M”.
“L”: WE are delighted that, in this timing, you all SEEK so much Truth. This is WONDERFUL.
“M”: It’s about family. If we will all get together in Physical, where would that be. Or it depends still on each member?
“L”: There are many plans, for which this channel has attempted to speak with you on. There is planning for a community of Family members, so that all may reside within the LOVE of that Soul Family, and be able to function at your highest vibrational capacities, and then with the abilities to function with the most being accomplished in the shortest amount of your timings. This community may exist in one of several locations; however there has been one ideal location that has been selected for MANY reasons. However, this location will be utilized only if the being who is intending to retain the land, is in the proper heart source and uses it for its intended use. Otherwise, there will be other locations made evident, very soon.
“M”: Wouldn’t we be in Psychical danger if we all got together to one place?
“L”: No, when ALL are in the physical together, they can provide a MUCH greater protection than when apart. It will be the unique abilities of the ALL, when they combine, and overlap, to join together to create a much better shielding method, as well as the combining of ALL talents and abilities, which will heighten, and bring out hidden, talents within the ALL, so as to provide greater AWARENESS of surroundings at all timings.
“M”: So we should gather together as fast as possible?
“L”: This is our INTENT, yes, Marius. However, WE are also obliged to honor the free-will within the ALL.
“M”: I understand. So, the place you talked about to have many reasons for ideal location. Is it “L…” “M…”?
“L”: No, however it is the Location in which many of you will begin your Journey to the other location, if the INTENT and Planning is followed at this timing.
“L”: Shall WE give you an example of how this shall work in greater good for the ALL?
“M”: yes, please. Sorry
“L”: I will explain with an example, then.
“L”: The ALL have various forms of AWARENESS, is this not truth?
“M”: yes
“H”: yes
“L”: If the ALL are in one location, then each of these forms of AWARNESS will overlap each other. In this, it will be much closer to the Impossible, especially if all are resonating in the higher frequencies, for any or all darkness to penetrate the community of the ALL.
“L”: Does this resonate, and do you now understand?
“M”: Yes, that resonates very well
“L”: Then all is well, yes?
“M”: yes 🙂
“M”: aaa… about the location
“L”: All is Well, Marius. Yes?
“M”: If it is not in “M…”, where is it? The one ideal,.. whith the understanding that it depends… on…
“L”: The initial mass of land that has been identified is within the Northern confines of the location known as “C…”. Yes, WE do have reasonings for selecting this initial location, which will be expounded upon at a later timing.
“M”: which place in “C…”?
“L”: This channel will return shortly. Please provide your physical beings with additional water resources.
“M”: ok
“L”: More Water Please, at this timing, it is this important.
“A”: Thank you. I need to make my children’s dinner, and will be back
“L”: This is understandable, WE are with you.
“H”: I have a question later on when you are done answering the other one.
“L”: In timing, “H”, This will be taken care of for you.
“H”: Yeah just let us know when additional questions can be asked?
“L”: This is Allowable, and it will be done.
“L”: Have ALL returned with the water requested?
“H”: here
“M”: yes
“L”: The answer to location has already been provided at this timing. WE shall continue to the next inquiry. “H”, you may inquire.
“H”: Ok, it is somewhat a different topic if allowed?
“L”: It is allowable, although WE will be returning the topic of Relationship Harmony.
“H”: Yeah, it has to do with Relationship Harmony.
“L”: Please continue.
“H”: Do we choose where we live? Where we are born?
“L”: In this timing, MOST of you had no “choice” in that you chose to be randomly located, in order to facilitate a greater Global growth. At least one in your Family was re-located from where they were initially intended to be.
“H”: o ok. That makes the next question irrelevant ty.
“L”: You may inquire anyway. Please continue.
“H”: Ok let me just rephrase it. Do twin flames live close to each other even though they did not have a choice in were they were born?
“L”: No. This is not always, nor usually the case.
“H”: Ok so why not wouldn’t this make it a lot easier?
“L”: This facilitates a broader experience to be shared between both pair mates when they re-unite. WE are not the beings that choose the locations, as this is handled by and through the ALL THAT IS, and through the Soul’s arrangements prior to incarnation. However… If two Twin Flames were to know each other all of their existence, would that not eliminate a certain amount of growth for both parties?
“H”: Yes that is right.
“L”: This would dis-allow the greater experiential growth, as well as dis-allow the ability for both halves to reconcile with past Karmic experiences. In this timing, it is much easier to place two halves a greater distance, and ALLOW for THE ALL THAT IS to facilitate the re-unification, while experiencing the greatest diversity of interaction.
“L”: Greetings to the one known as “K_”. We WELCOME YOU to this discourse, and exchange, with message upon Relationship Harmony at this timing.
“L”: Are there any other questions on that which we have already discussed?
“H”: So does every single person find his/her Twin Flame?
“L”: In the past, it has not been that the ALL find and re-connect. It is in this NOW, this current timing, that ALL of the LIGHT, are being aided and guided to make that re-connection… Free-will is still in play in this Universe, despite the many who attempt to deny this fact. The Laws and “rules” are also still in play. It is to this end, we must adhere to these things, and yet attempt to assist and facilitate the re-unifications as much as possible.
“L”: Does this answer your question?
“H”: Yeah thanks.
“L”: You are most welcome, “H”.
“L”: Are there any other questions on that which we have already discussed?
“L”: Please provide an answer in the affirmative or negative (yes or no).
“M”: not from me 🙂
“H”: not at this time.
“L”: It is at this timing then, WE shall close this channel. WE are in the greatest of hopes that you have ALL come much more fully into Truth, and LIGHT. WE also are in hopes that you have learned much this day. Is this your Truth?
“M”: Yes
“M”: Thank you 🙂
“J”: This is Truth as I resonate with, yes.
“L”: “H”?
“H”: yes
“L”: It is at this timing then, that WE ALL wish the ALL great amounts of LOVE and LIGHT.
“H”: TY for talking with us
“L”: You are most welcome, in the Highest of vibrations.
“L”: Namaste’
“M”: Namaste
“L”: (end of channel)

Living Life, Loving Mate, and Honoring ALL Friendships… Thursday, Jul 23 2009 

Greetings ALL THAT IS,

This day is such a great, wonderful, magnificent day, is it not?  We have finally gotten the WELL NEEDED RAIN STORM, to facilitate the cleansing of the “air”, from the Solar Storm. The frequencies in the “air” here, have been relentless, and have hurting many. There has been no escape from them, as well as not being able to have a very good defense either. it is truly a shame, that governments across the globe have not, and did not before hand, ENLIGHTEN the be-ings on this planet as to the effects of this storm. Many could have gone unharmed, if had they the awareness to the situation. I have warned against this for some timing, however, the threat is still there. The planet is being showered down upon from the Celestial body known as Sol, our Sun. The radiation from this, will have devastating effects, ranging from burns to cancer, as well as everything in between. Please use the highest of caution when planning an outing form the residence, as well as planning the attire you will wear. it is very well to have a plan for something of this nature, here is a link to the pdf. . This seems to be quite intricate and detailed. the document should provide much of what will assist you in this type of weather. Solar weather is/will be something one should consider for all ventures outside of the residence. Please take extreme cautionary measures, it is not only your health, but your childrens as well, if you have children you interact with. Unconditional Love, Blessings, Joy, Harmony, and Peace for ALL THAT IS… Namaste’ JzS2

SOURCE OF ALL THAT IS Speaks on the Global Situation Wednesday, Jul 22 2009 

7/20/09 12:14:53 AM

Jeremiah, since you ask, this is the Divine Masculine aspect of Source.
I want to talk to you. If you will talk to me.
I have concerns on a global scale, that are not directly related to you or your Mate.
Would you be willing to bring up your vibrations enough to talk more positively on a few matters that have myself, and the Divine Feminine, in great concern?
It is quite the change to talk to the DIRECT aspect of self is it not?
Are you going to listen without getting upset?
I certainly hope that intent holds out, because WE, you and I, have some major issues to attend to that are directly affecting both of OUR aspects of the Divine Feminine. And, it has MINE in great concern. She is quite upset right now. I do not like MY Mate upset, or in pain of any kind. After all, I have to live with her. For ETERNITY, and beyond. You should realize within Self, fairly soon, I hope, that you will be living with YOURS for eternity soon, too. And, you are quite accurate when you say “IF MOMMA AIN’T HAPPY AIN’T NOBODY HAPPY”. Yours is not happy either, and is making ME a very miserable Masculine.
So, shall We speak man to Masculine? My Mate is having terrifying troubles with the events that are occurring as We speak on your planet. The Darkness has pulled an unexpected move in the greater rather than in the minor, as it normally does its bidding. That which you observed outside, it is part of that Darkness. It is moving in across not only your place, but it is making a GLOBAL move. He is also making a direct move to negate the Divine Feminine in ALL ways. As you were made aware by your friend, Bronwen, this is not isolated to your Mate. This is effecting ALL feminine aspects. It is designed to destroy the ones that it can – through the actions and reactions of the Masculines. And to take the LIGHT of them ALL, to diminish what they are by taking away bits of their Truth, even if it is not TRULY gone, it will and does APPEAR to be so. This essence is also working to project itself from all the Feminine’s, as Bronwen pointed out to both of you, through ALL feminine beings. Therefore working on the destruction of that which should not be destroyed – the relationships they have with many, but incurred the worst with their Mates. In other words, Jeremiah, you are only half-accurate when you sensed that she was being “pissy”. Part of it was also picking up on the overall emotions of the Divine Feminine. I made the attempt at bringing this to your awareness through the guidance to the informations earlier on Aries and Cancer.
This is not however, about you, although as you can see that you are affected. This is about the Whole. WE need to act as proper Warriors and go deal with this together, if you are up to the job. I am not inquiring. I am stating, however it is YOUR free-will to participate. And, if you are too tired, or not in the right heart-source, WE will continue to seek aid within others. Yes, it WOULD help if you and your Mate were on good terms, however it is not vitally necessary. Jeremiah, going out as a Warrior in the Astral is always best when your Mate is not considering assisting the opposing team for a short timing, which she will NOT, but not because I say so, but because she would never do so. You are seeing this mostly accurately. Yes, it is being projected in, but that does not reduce the amount of heart pain either of our Mates are experiencing as a result. As she is the direct embodiment of the Divine Feminine, MY Mate feels ALL that Jen experiences and feels. This does not make my life any easier, My dearest embodiment of SELF…
One Man should not be expected to live with the heart-pain of two women, it simply is not nice. Laughing essence. However, you ARE accurate, it is being projected. It does, that is Truth. It also clears out old, negative vibrations.

How is YOUR heart-source tonight? Angry? Irritable? Wanting to get away from Mate, for good? Tired of dealing with her, and all the drama related to her? This is what you are having projected through YOU. Jeremiah, the darkness is not effecting our women just through themselves, but through taking advantage of the “natural” masculine essence, which is full of warrior nature. Those were not the words I wanted, but they were the best she had at this timing, so they will have to do. You are “projecting” disgust, anger, get away from me, I’m sick of you, you sicken me, I’m tired of you, I’m tired of your shit, leaving is going to come and you will not know why or when. These are only a few of the emotions that are being projected through you. It does not help that her feelings were already deeply hurt about the webpage project, which is being “assisted” by the “projection” that you have no interest whatsoever in her work, you just are humoring her and asking her because you feel like you need to. This is a GLOBAL situation. EVERY feminine is experiencing these kinds of attacks to and within Self. Do not be surprised if you hear much within your circles of information about these events.

The GLOBAL affect of this move on the part of Darkened Source, it does not bode well for many, and it will only get worse before it gets better. This is NOT a good thing. However, if WE could delay it, stop its curerent attacks, even through Self Awareness, this would make many issues less problematic. This includes the Darkness using the intensity of the Light Warriors’ need to defend against its own Self to turn them TO the Darkness through the Crusader’s Mindest. “If you have some ‘butt’ that needs to be kicked, I am the one to call…” You are only playing on their side of the playground when you allow yourself to feel that way, much less to project it outwardly.

PEACEFUL WARRIOR. Warriors take care of business Jeremiah, but WE do so in a LIGHT manner. We have our laws, rules, and protections for a very good reason. It is much easier for one to do good works with the wrong intent and end up in the darkness then it is for one to go out of the darkness and into the Light within, or without.

It is as it is, as Jen says, and it shall be then as it shall be. I have come to you to let you know that this is a global issue. And to give you the chance to step above it and beyond it, and pull mate out of it, for the time being, the NOW, at the very least. It has to be Your own choice if you want the assistance I am offering.
The Divine Feminine is being affected by every aspect of Darkness that permeates any of the feminines.

Goddess Lia: You Have Entered Completely New and Uncharted Territories July 21, 2009 Tuesday, Jul 21 2009


Beloved Ones:

I come through this day to speak to you about the many wondrous changes that are and will soon, be taking place upon your Planet and within each Human Being upon the Earth, and indeed, all the Kingdoms of the Earth and all of Nature upon the Earth. All will be profoundly impacted by the Energies that are pouring down upon the Earth at this time.

As I look at the Earth, I see great beams of Light pouring forth from every corner of the World, whereas even just a year ago this was not visible, the Light and the beams of Light have increased exponentially. There is deeply impactful, energetic currents moving upon the Earth and within the Earth and around the atmosphere of the Earth and as your World experiences the most profound Solar Eclipse in history, I wish to bring to your attention that this is a very profound and Holy experience, it is a deeply spiritual and symbolic event. This Solar Eclipse is creating what is called the ‘Eye of the Needle’ and as the Eclipse occurs, that which is known as ‘The Eye of God’ is something that is seen. It is symbolic of a sacred union of the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine. It a sacred and Holy time upon your Earth, and those of you who are attuned to the Higher frequencies will feel most profoundly the effects of this Eclipse, as it happens and as the days go forth following the Eclipse.

It is a Galactic Gateway to more changes that are on a multi-dimensional level than Humankind has ever experienced before. There will be many Awakenings occurring in Humanity’s consciousness and this will translate in as many and varied ways as there are Humans upon the Earth, for it is a deeply profound and personal experience. Each of you will be profoundly changed. Each of you will begin to remember more and more your multi-dimensional selves and you will come to understand that you have always been more than your Human Selves in your physical bodies. This knowing will come very quickly to many of you and to others it will be a gradual, gentle Awakening, but Awaken you must, for every Human Being, in concert with their Higher Selves has chosen to go through this experience and those who have chosen to forego this experience will be leaving the Planet in the coming days. All is as it should be, remember this in the days that are before you.

The Universe watches this birthing of a New Earth, a new life in the Universe, with great intensity and keen interest. Know that those of you upon the Earth who have chosen to be here to experience this wondrous, magical time are considered great heroes, courageous and noble, and that you are honored for your choice. Know that all that has been foretold has now been surpassed and you have entered completely new and uncharted territories. We wait with bated breath to see what happens next.

We Love you, we are with you, you are never alone.

I AM Goddess Lia

The Divine Solar and Lunar Eclipses Tuesday, Jul 21 2009 

I have to say, the HIGHLY anticipated events of the Millenia are upon US here on Gaia. The long awaited return of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine, are spoken to occur. This is a HIGHLY Charged event, to say the least. For ALL on the planet. If this occurs as it has been tfoetold, then this marks the beginning of a great shift for ALL.

This shift does not necessarily mean that ALL will enjoy that which has been prophesied. Humans normally resist change, for the pain associated with change here on this planet, is far to great to bear for the ego involved. Thusly the change is resisted and much more painful. This will certainly be the case for many egos incarnated here at this timing. With such MAJOR changes coming about, the pain can be minimized simply by awakening to the HIGHEST truth one can have.

Angels are incarnated upon the Earth plane for these changes, for ALL will need to be assisted in this process. A planetary Ascension will occur in many ways, however, this particular Ascension will be very interesting as many other planetary Ascensions have been for the Multi Verses. When a Healing is taking place, there are many old energy, Negatives, which have to be released. These old energies do NOT want to go, at times, and have to be forced out. When concerning a planetary Ascension,  this can mean anything from  mythical (fantastical) creatures showing up to Inter Galactic Warfare. Be of and within the Light, and the Darkness shall not prevail against you.

As the Integration of ALL this ENERGY occurs, One shall experience many effects. The integration of HIGHER Aspects of Be-ing, Time will be speeding up and this is inter dimensional living. Inter Dimensional Living will transist into a more full integration. The emotions and releases of Old is nothing more than that, The Old being released for this integration. There are many aspects of Heart Source in which one has to work through to begin living the HIGHEST Path one can. It is the timing to Awaken… Namaste

ArchAngel Metratrons Story Sunday, Jul 19 2009 


Channeled by AngelicalLights2012

This is Archangel Metratron.  I have come to speak on life in the “Human” spectrum of realities.  I will share one of my own Tales to expound upon this concept.
During one of the eras in which I was Truly Human, born in a human body, and lived as a human, there was much less human life on the planet than there is now.  However, one thing remained the same.
When I was three, as a “human” boy I recall remembering, for a brief timing, Who I truly was.  I recall realizing then, how much of a challenge, and in some respects, a punishment in the eyes of Many, being “Human” actually was.  Being separated from the collective Heart.  Being separated from the collective Mind.  FEELING dis-connected from the Collective Soul.  Even with Free-Will, I realized then, how challenging of a task that life-journey would truly be.  In those moments of realization, I KNEW what it was to be truly an INDIVIDUAL, and wanted to return to the Collective from which I came.  It was very lonely in my mind, with only the occasional voice coming through.  It was lonely in the heart, realizing it was only MY heart beating in my chest.  It was even lonelier in my Soul, as I knew that I would not have my sisters and brothers in the light with Me in all the ways in which I had become accustomed.  And, most of all, in that brief moment in time, I realized how separated from SOURCE I truly was, while still being FULL OF SOURCE.  I was not IN SOURCE.  This bothered me a lot.
Humanity is one of the roughest, yet most fulfilling lifetimes that I have experienced.  I learned much, even though I was a very lonely man.  I speak my Truth to you now, so that the ALL may KNOW, that WE Truly do Understand the trials and adversities that the All experience.  My childhood as a human was a rough one.  I wished only to read and write.  I had very little interest in the activities of other boys my age.  I joined the “Monastery” when I was but a teenager.  I learned very quickly how the religions of Man were distorting My own Truth, and the Truth of the All.  However, there were far too many who would not listen, would not hear, the Truth of ALL THAT IS.  I was shunned and eventually removed from my home there.  I traveled for some timing, translating documents for many foreign lands.  I have always been a Scribe.  It is what I LOVE to do.  Even in my human incarnation I craved knowledge, wisdom, and the ability to learn, and write about what I learned.
In my adulthood, I finally found a home in a remote village in the heart of India, where I wrote and translated My Truth.  However, it was not long before I lost my Home there, when Christians came and converted or destroyed my new family, depending upon their willingness to listen.  I found these tragedies occurring wherever I traveled, and yet, so many had heard the words of “The Church” that My Truth was lost upon their ears.
In timing, in another incarnation, I was to known as The Christ.  I traveled as the man named Jesus.  However, in the particular incarnation to which I refer, I learned quickly that the teachings that had once been sacred Truth of the ALL THAT IS, the DIVINE, the SOURCE OF ALL THAT IS, had been perverted, massacred, destroyed, and twisted into lies and propaganda.  This broke my heart, and I begged the ALL THAT IS to bring me home.
Instead, I lived a full life, finding happiness with my Mate late in life, and settling down in an even more remote area, in a location which I will not name at this timing, and We remained as such until WE both went home, died as you would phrase it, very late in life.
There is much I have left out of this Tale, for it matters not, and the Many would simply use the information in order to search out that Lifetime’s history.  This is not the reason for My tale.  The reason for my Tale is to ALLOW the ALL in Humanity to know, that even though WE are ascended be-ings, WE have spent the time to learn what it is to be as YOU ARE.  This is no easy task you have chosen for your incarnation(s).  WE realize this.  However, WE are also limited by your own Free-Will choices, by the Laws of One, and the Universal Laws, as well as our own “Code of Conduct” that keeps US remaining in the LIGHT.  You must ALLOW us to assist, to ask or request our aid, although WE can GUIDE you, WE cannot directly intervene unless called upon, and even then there are timings in which our “wings” are tied.  WE wish you ALL to know WE love you.  WE love you with the Unconditional Love of Source.
It is Mis-information that only Michael and a handful of others have spent time as “humans”, for WE all, the Angelics and Archangelics, which are the Angelic races together, have each chosen to spend timing as “human” essence in some form, so as to bring back to the collective Heart, Mind, and Soul, further understanding of what it is to be the very Unique Race known as “humans”.
We travel far to come to this planet, to assist those who need our help, who seek their LIGHT.  It is timing for ALL to seek their LIGHT within.
There are many among you who point their fingers at others, who speak out “They are in darkness.  They have lost their LIGHT.  They channel or speak from dark sources.”  It is those who speak these words, I tell you, who have lost their light in service of the Anti-Christ, Satan, the embodiment of Darkness.  It is that in this they are wolves in sheep’s clothing.  For those in Truth speak only for the LIGHT, and they have no need to defend their Truth.  I have said this before through many others.  It is timing to call out those wolves, to show them for what they are.  These false beings of light, those who are themselves encased in darkness, conceal themselves in your authoritative offices, even in those communities that are supporting work in the LIGHT.  Many changes have been noted across your planet, as the Darkness works its way into your ranks through false words of wisdom, through declarations that darkness does not exist, and through censorship, through condemnation, and by methods of dissemination.  They will root out those who are strongest in their LIGHT, and seek to destroy all that they do, or have done, to bring LIGHT and Truth to others.  They will seek out among your ranks those who are weakest on their path, and prey on their lack of knowledge.  They will mis-guide them to false information.  It is in this that We, as a whole, beseech you to speak your Truth, hold up your Light, and shine forth into the masses, so that the Darkness may be illuminated, and the false prophets exposed for what they are.
I am Archangel Metratron.  I speak to you in Truth and Light.  Come out of the shadows, and display yourselves.  For who hides in the shadows even within the Light, but those who have something to hide.  Discern the Truths you are guided to.  For if they proclaim only Love and Light, and do not acknowledge the Truth of the Darkness, they give you false Truths.  There would be no need for Light, if the Darkness did not exist.  You have already been told this, yet you choose not to hear.  Listen to your own guidance, not the words of another, and discern if that guidance rings as Truth or not.  For good guidance would never lead you into dark thoughts, or dis-harmonious behaviors.  Your Truth, your Light – stand in these, and you will have nothing to Fear from the false prophets among you.  For they will tear you down with sweet words, and kind actions, even as they destroy you behind your back.
I, Archangel Metratron, am the keeper of the Akashic Records.  I record all that is done within these books.  Do you not know that what you have done in Darkness has already been exposed to the Light?
I am Archangel Metratron, and I speak these words in Unconditional Love and Light.  Be within the Light.  For even the one you know as The Christ has spoken before, “You are either with me, or against me…”  Are YOU in the LIGHT, or are you not?  No being can serve both masters.  It is for you to decide.

ArchAngel Metratron

This is Archangel Metratron.  I have come to speak on life in the “Human” spectrum of realities.  I will share one of my own Tales to expound upon this concept.

During one of the eras in which I was Truly Human, born in a human body, and lived as a human, there was much less human life on the planet than there is now.  However, one thing remained the same.

When I was three, as a “human” boy I recall remembering, for a brief timing, Who I truly was.  I recall realizing then, how much of a challenge, and in some respects, a punishment in the eyes of Many, being “Human” actually was.  Being separated from the collective Heart.  Being separated from the collective Mind.  FEELING dis-connected from the Collective Soul.  Even with Free-Will, I realized then, how challenging of a task that life-journey would truly be.  In those moments of realization, I KNEW what it was to be truly an INDIVIDUAL, and wanted to return to the Collective from which I came.  It was very lonely in my mind, with only the occasional voice coming through.  It was lonely in the heart, realizing it was only MY heart beating in my chest.  It was even lonelier in my Soul, as I knew that I would not have my sisters and brothers in the light with Me in all the ways in which I had become accustomed.  And, most of all, in that brief moment in time, I realized how separated from SOURCE I truly was, while still being FULL OF SOURCE.  I was not IN SOURCE.  This bothered me a lot.

Humanity is one of the roughest, yet most fulfilling lifetimes that I have experienced.  I learned much, even though I was a very lonely man.  I speak my Truth to you now, so that the ALL may KNOW, that WE Truly do Understand the trials and adversities that the All experience.  My childhood as a human was a rough one.  I wished only to read and write.  I had very little interest in the activities of other boys my age.  I joined the “Monastery” when I was but a teenager.  I learned very quickly how the religions of Man were distorting My own Truth, and the Truth of the All.  However, there were far too many who would not listen, would not hear, the Truth of ALL THAT IS.  I was shunned and eventually removed from my home there.  I traveled for some timing, translating documents for many foreign lands.  I have always been a Scribe.  It is what I LOVE to do.  Even in my human incarnation I craved knowledge, wisdom, and the ability to learn, and write about what I learned.

In my adulthood, I finally found a home in a remote village in the heart of India, where I wrote and translated My Truth.  However, it was not long before I lost my Home there, when Christians came and converted or destroyed my new family, depending upon their willingness to listen.  I found these tragedies occurring wherever I traveled, and yet, so many had heard the words of “The Church” that My Truth was lost upon their ears.

In timing, in another incarnation, I was to known as The Christ.  I traveled as the man named Jesus.  However, in the particular incarnation to which I refer, I learned quickly that the teachings that had once been sacred Truth of the ALL THAT IS, the DIVINE, the SOURCE OF ALL THAT IS, had been perverted, massacred, destroyed, and twisted into lies and propaganda.  This broke my heart, and I begged the ALL THAT IS to bring me home.

Instead, I lived a full life, finding happiness with my Mate late in life, and settling down in an even more remote area, in a location which I will not name at this timing, and We remained as such until WE both went home, died as you would phrase it, very late in life.

There is much I have left out of this Tale, for it matters not, and the Many would simply use the information in order to search out that Lifetime’s history.  This is not the reason for My tale.  The reason for my Tale is to ALLOW the ALL in Humanity to know, that even though WE are ascended be-ings, WE have spent the time to learn what it is to be as YOU ARE.  This is no easy task you have chosen for your incarnation(s).  WE realize this.  However, WE are also limited by your own Free-Will choices, by the Laws of One, and the Universal Laws, as well as our own “Code of Conduct” that keeps US remaining in the LIGHT.  You must ALLOW us to assist, to ask or request our aid, although WE can GUIDE you, WE cannot directly intervene unless called upon, and even then there are timings in which our “wings” are tied.  WE wish you ALL to know WE love you.  WE love you with the Unconditional Love of Source.

It is Mis-information that only Michael and a handful of others have spent time as “humans”, for WE all, the Angelics and Archangelics, which are the Angelic races together, have each chosen to spend timing as “human” essence in some form, so as to bring back to the collective Heart, Mind, and Soul, further understanding of what it is to be the very Unique Race known as “humans”.

We travel far to come to this planet, to assist those who need our help, who seek their LIGHT.  It is timing for ALL to seek their LIGHT within.

There are many among you who point their fingers at others, who speak out “They are in darkness.  They have lost their LIGHT.  They channel or speak from dark sources.”  It is those who speak these words, I tell you, who have lost their light in service of the Anti-Christ, Satan, the embodiment of Darkness.  It is that in this they are wolves in sheep’s clothing.  For those in Truth speak only for the LIGHT, and they have no need to defend their Truth.  I have said this before through many others.  It is timing to call out those wolves, to show them for what they are.  These false beings of light, those who are themselves encased in darkness, conceal themselves in your authoritative offices, even in those communities that are supporting work in the LIGHT.  Many changes have been noted across your planet, as the Darkness works its way into your ranks through false words of wisdom, through declarations that darkness does not exist, and through censorship, through condemnation, and by methods of dissemination.  They will root out those who are strongest in their LIGHT, and seek to destroy all that they do, or have done, to bring LIGHT and Truth to others.  They will seek out among your ranks those who are weakest on their path, and prey on their lack of knowledge.  They will mis-guide them to false information.  It is in this that We, as a whole, beseech you to speak your Truth, hold up your Light, and shine forth into the masses, so that the Darkness may be illuminated, and the false prophets exposed for what they are.

I am Archangel Metratron.  I speak to you in Truth and Light.  Come out of the shadows, and display yourselves.  For who hides in the shadows even within the Light, but those who have something to hide.  Discern the Truths you are guided to.  For if they proclaim only Love and Light, and do not acknowledge the Truth of the Darkness, they give you false Truths.  There would be no need for Light, if the Darkness did not exist.  You have already been told this, yet you choose not to hear.  Listen to your own guidance, not the words of another, and discern if that guidance rings as Truth or not.  For good guidance would never lead you into dark thoughts, or dis-harmonious behaviors.  Your Truth, your Light – stand in these, and you will have nothing to Fear from the false prophets among you.  For they will tear you down with sweet words, and kind actions, even as they destroy you behind your back.

I, Archangel Metratron, am the keeper of the Akashic Records.  I record all that is done within these books.  Do you not know that what you have done in Darkness has already been exposed to the Light?

I am Archangel Metratron, and I speak these words in Unconditional Love and Light.  Be within the Light.  For even the one you know as The Christ has spoken before, “You are either with me, or against me…”  Are YOU in the LIGHT, or are you not?  No being can serve both masters.  It is for you to decide.